Tag, you're it!

Perhaps :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:
who does? looooooooooooooool

alright, i’ve got nothing to do

  • I’ve had a very good LP marathon on plug yesterday (ONLY LP for 1,5 hour)

  • I have a day-off during to some paperwork today

  • The wind is howling like hell outside

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tag someone else please

I should point out I’m not playing this either (muting the thread).

LOL :joy: third shelter me? Ok man, I walk on :slight_smile:

  • I saw a beautiful sunrise :sunrise: this morning

  • I drink my coffee :coffee: with milk

  • I had two of this coffee today



Oh I’m tagged and don’t know what to do :smile:

  1. Read the rules of this thread
  2. Can’t wait for the new single from lp
  3. Today listen to lp while work alone in the sunshine


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  1. I’m at school and don’t want to be
  2. Someone is looking at me but talking to themselves
  3. It’s really cold here today and I really want it to warm up some
    also LP’s new single is going to be amazing



!. I had school yesterday
2. listen to linkin park while i was at school
3. Came home and went to sleep


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looooooooooooooool :joy:
it just went on @coolcat96
@jFar920 has to go again, try to make him answer please :smiley:

Lol ok :laughing:

I’m trying, still new to this game

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it s ok :joy: just enjoy @coolcat96

  1. had school yesterday
  2. listen to linkin park while i was at school
  3. Came home and went to sleep.



thanks you :slight_smile:

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nos probs :wink:

@jFar920 lool

should we just start off the game . then we go from there

  1. It’s been really warm where I live lately
  2. I finished cleaning my car last night
  3. I forgot to turn my radio off and my battery was dead this morning


  1. I just preorderd the new album.
  2. I’m giving away the LPU membership.
  3. I need to sleep.


  1. I was cooking dinner
  2. I finished doing my home chores
  3. On the bed watching TV.


alright, here we go:

1- I start to to read a book, non scientific…
2- A friend says it is very epic, and other ppl I ask said it too
3- the book is called: “The Idiot” by Dostoyevski
