Tag, you're it!

Let’s see…

I am currently in a lyric band (The Unity of Us) Come check out our lyrics in the Barracks (lol)
I have wrote over 100 songs
The time of this post is 22:32 (10:32pm)



  • I am about to smoke an Indonesian clove cigarette
  • My Christmas Tree is smaller than the pile of presents
  • I mixed chardonnay with cola and it is not that bad.


@lplovebug_Jess ?

Maybe she’s busy. I’ll just tag you @theearlywalker :stuck_out_tongue:


slept well tonight
today not too busy,
I just like to relax…

@samuel_the_leader :smiley:

Spent a few hours writing down my dream.

Wonder if she wants to read it.

My father wants me to go out and eat with him so damn early.


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Pardon: @jabinquaken

  • I often feel that nobody hears me when trying to speak to the group of people;
  • in my uni we had a comic scene and once I had to be dressed like girl. That freaked me out.
  • many people say that I’m kinda smart and know a lot of things but I consider myself a dummy


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I too consider myself something of a clot
I have no more lectures for uni
I have an exam on my first day back


  • I’m pissed cause someone ordered pizza and didn’t ask the rest of us if we wanted any.
  • I ate Mexican instead.
  • I’m enjoying the weather very much.


Me again?

A few days ago, I saw a guy wearing an elite T-shirt

A few weeks ago, I passed by a shop named “Petit Bateau

I wonder if @theearlywalker can help me read this:

Yes @theearlywalker

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what language may this supposed to be :upside_down: @samuel_the_leader

Actually you were tagged again, cuz Eva tagged me again so fast.

was a real nice mom today - to the horse ndaughter (lol)
now me enjoying music
still got no icecream me :joy:


O_o what is this?
hahaha ok…

  • I like Papa Roach, I saw them live today actually.
  • I usually go to plug.dj but nobody know who i am. Just like a ninja.
  • Here in argentina we are burning in hell because we are in summer. So. I’m burning myself.

Ok i will tag to… @LP13413 . hope he’s active nowdays lol


You’re in luck, haha

  • I’ve yet to go Christmas shopping
  • I managed to kick my nail-biting habit about six months ago (they like to chip sometimes, though), and my mom noticed it for the first time this week and told me I needed a manicure
  • The Kings of Chaos tour (the one Chester’s a part of) will be playing nearby not this upcoming Friday, but next Friday and, thanks to my job, I will not be able to attend (as it is the last day before the holiday break, and it will be one of our busier work days of the school year).

@jFar920, it’s been a while…

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  • I’ve been putting off finishing my last assignment for school
  • I just are chili
  • I’m working on making my own Twitter feed after finishing my Instagram one

Without reading about 100 posts, I have no clue who was recently tagged, so I’ll try @purrfect and if she doesn’t respond soon, someone else can go

eight days enough? :stuck_out_tongue:

  • seeing the teacher of my daughter today
  • yesterday I got presents
  • the indian food for lunch yesterday was sooo yum :yum:


Just finished watching a movie

Done with all my Christmas gifts

Going to eat dinner now :relaxed:


Hey there @theearlywalker