Smashed Bacon - The Unity of Us

You’re not the only one lol

  • My Only Regret - Rock
  • Smashed Bacon - Any Style
  • Suffocated - Nu-Metal/Rap
  • Tortured - Lots of Screaming
  • Hard To Name - Metalcore
  • Sometimes - TFK/LP crossover style (Nu-Metal)

0 voters



I think it is safe to say that Smashed Bacon wins


Well @the_termin8r this is your song
You decide whom will write what etc etc


Ok, so I’m thinking of deviating from our usual style and going full LPU 8 :stuck_out_tongue:

So this will be a theme song for smashed bacon man. Lets see how badly this crashes and burns. lol

I’m thinking of going for a verse, pre chorus, chorus, verse, bridge, chorus. Won’t be too long.

I feel like doing the bridge
@acemasters you do the pre chorus
@gatsie chorus is yours

According to a random name generator verse 1 will be by:

@theearlywalker - First 2 lines
@jabinquaken next 2 lines
@samuel_the_leader final 2 of the verse

Verse 2 will be by:
@AJ_7 first 2 lines
@jessicarister next 2
@rickvanmeijel last 2 of verse 2

So @theearlywalker you start us off.


yup I do…a pleasure and honour my dear friend <3
…lol tomorrow, and please forgive me my bounce… ya know :wink:
have just sweet splashing dreams,


Alright awesome

Can you guys give us a background on who Smashed Bacom man is? Otherwise the lyrics will be very random :stuck_out_tongue:

1,2,3,4 5 yes we’re starting right tonight,
6,7,8,9 n 10 with the incredible Story of the Smashed Bacon man

There really isn’t any, I want to see which way you guys take this song.

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You’re here? Check your email.

Hi Sam! Good Morning dear! NOT really I am in Munich! Some Interviews with the Refugiés Yes
I Check now

Are they your lines

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No lol. Headache now.

why? :eyes:

Why not? lol

hi Sam alias acemasters… :stuck_out_tongue:

No, Frau @the_huntress

yes M Leader?
how long are you here, need some more time for scanning…
why you del?

Oops I accidentally deleted.

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Just want to know if they are your lines so the next person can go!