Silly Linkin Park Moments


When I first saw this little cover, I laughed so hard :joy:


lol omg these guys are so silly lol and came to mind.

Come to think of it, most of LPUTV is silly.

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Sometimes I love their silliness way too much, reminds me of the old days when they were still acting like kids.

The time when Chester and Brandon Boyd were on Loveline promoting the Honda Civic Tour, and Trollnoda called in.


I completely forgot about this. He didn’t even try to hide that it was him

Even better, Ustream still has the full video

at about 53:28

Nah, Mike (and the rest of the group) were arguably even MORE wasted for the Washington DC show earlier that year…it was on Mike’s birthday, lol. Pretty sure he was actually drinking DURING the show that time…


True, had forgotten about that one. Yikes!

Oh yesss, I forgot aubout that, too. I think this call was so hilarious :smiley:

In reference to the Iridescent video

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I’ve seen this one, it’s good.

OT: David Draiman’s (of Disturbed) FoF was funny. One of the ‘facts’ was that the ‘oh wah ah ah’ at the begining of DWTS was as a result of going to the zoo :laughing:

oh god, the FM stuff brings back memories!!! if anyone can find this (maybe waybackmachine?), mike’s totally random post about the chupacabra was hilarious. such good times!!

I love the frat party DVD, Its got some great backstage behind the scenes stuff…also the band were really awesome at that stage in there career, its really funny at times

Can anyone tell me what this is from? Why is Mike making this strange movement?

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Meteora days, photoshoot for a magazine interview.

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Ah so no video? Just a photoshoot

As far as I know, yeah.

When I was making the new Real Talk topic, I found this on Google