Shinoda in Germany!

Does someone know at what time they’ll open the doors ?

Around 18:30

No early entrance for lpus :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:
I am in the Morning already there. I Want to stand in Front of him :heart::heart:

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I have no glow Sticks :cry:

Thats ok! I have a lot!
What time in the morning will you be there?

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Hope to see you all! A few hours ago I heard I don’t have to be in school tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully I can be there round 3 pm too! :tada:

Just woke up in a park near Cologne, hitchhiking yesterday was tougher than I had expected. Hope to reach the venue in the next few hours and kick it with you guys!


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10 or 11 o clock in the Morning

oh wow! awesome pic!

its supposed to be raining in the afternoon and there is no shelter at the venue :frowning:

I hope so <3

What the fuck…its sooo full…is there really no extra entrance for LPU members? :see_no_evil:


It’s already full now ??

How many People more or less ?

Here are so many people already! :hushed:

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When we (lpu members and us) went to see Mike in France Last week, Doors were opening at 14h, set was at 18h45 but till 18h you could find a ‘good’ place. But it was a festival, it’s different. I hope you can see him really good

Thank you!

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Maybe a bit less :woman_shrugging: or 200, yes 200

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Enjoy the show!! :heart: :heart: :tada: :tada: :sun_with_face: :sun_with_face: :smile:

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