Rank the albums

  1. Meteora
    2.Living Things
  2. Reanimation
  3. Hybrid Theory
  4. A Thousand Suns
  5. Minutes to Midnight
  1. Living Things
  2. Hybrid Theory
  3. A Thousand Suns
  4. Reanimation
  5. Minutes to Midnight
  6. Meteora
  1. A Thousand Suns
  2. Minutes To Midnight
  3. Hybrid Theory
  4. Living Things
  5. Reanimation
  6. Meteora

2-hybird theory
3-living things
4-minutes to midnight
5-A Thousand Suns
*Reanimation best remix album

Living Things
Hybrid Theory
Minutes to Midnight
A Thousand Suns

Hybrid Theory
Living Things
Minutes to Midnight
A Thousand Suns

  1. Meteora
  2. Reanimation
  3. Hybrid Theory
  4. Minutes To Midnight
  5. Living Things
  6. A Thousand Suns

Living Things and Minutes To Midnight are on the same rank actually, but MTM was released earlier, so it’s also on the higher postion :wink:

  1. Hybrid Theory
  2. Meteora
    3.Living Things
  3. Reanimation
  4. Minutes to Midnight
  5. A Thousand Suns
  1. Hybrid theory
  2. Meteora
  3. Reanimation
  4. A Thousand suns
  5. Minutes to Midnight
  6. Living Things

1.- Meteora
2.- Hybrid Theory
3.- Living Things
4.- Reanimation
5.- Minutes to Midnight
6.- A thousand suns

although the LIVE IN TEXAS it’s my favorite live cd.

Its so difficult.

But for me is:

1- Reanimation
2- Hibrid Theory
3- A Thousand Suns
4- Living Things
5- Metora
6- Minutes To Midnight

  1. A Thousand Suns
  2. Living Things / Hybrid Theory
  3. Reanimation
  4. Meteora
  5. Minutes to Midnight

More often

  1. Hybrid Theory
  2. Meteora
  3. Living Things
  4. A Thousand Suns
  5. Minutes To Midnight
  6. Reanimation
    less often

Honestly thought I would see ‘Hybrid Theory’ appear at #1 position more often. Quite surprising.
I think it would also be quite interesting to see the age of the person also.


  1. Hybrid Theory
  2. Living Things
  3. Minutes to Midnight
  4. A Thousand Suns
  5. Reanimation
  6. Meteora

-Livings Things
-A thousand suns
-Hybrid theory
-Minutes to midnite

Meteora was the first LP record i ever listen to so has a very heavy meaning to me but Living Things is my favourite!

I dont think I’ll ever take Reanimation off of heavy rotation.

Living Things
A Thousand Suns
Hybrid Theory
Minutes to Midnight
Live in Texas
Road to Revolution

  1. Hybrid Theory for sure!
  2. Meterora
  3. Living Things
  4. A Thousand Suns
  5. Renanimation
  6. Minutes to Midnight
  1. Hybrid Theory
  2. Minutes to Midnight
  3. Living Things
  4. Meteora
  5. A Thousand Suns
  1. Hybrid Theory
  2. Living Things
  3. Minutes to Midnight
  4. Meteora
  5. A Thousand Suns