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I told you the very first time that it wasn’t him. It’s not hard to find out who starscream really is. This rage is unnecessary.

I fell asleep again by accident like I tend to after work, sorry about that


I’ll come on in about half an hour.

still on? I’ll come…


How would everyone feel about themed days? Like 90s, 00s, parodies, whatever else on certain days of the week?


Ugh, everybody would need to consolidate a lot of playlists. :frowning:

You wouldn’t have to participate, or have all your music fit the theme of the day

Also my computer restarted on its own earlier, bot will be back soon

I wouldn’t mind but if it is a year related theme, I can’t go any earlier than the 90s without making new PLs.

What a idea mb like special Events? like Valentines Day or Halloween or as regular weekly Event? I can Imagine everything This Way!!!

I’m sure @the_termin8r would make the Halloween playlist such that you won’t be able to sleep at night :stuck_out_tongue:

Whom are you talking about? Never really heard this nqame, a friend of yours?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Are you sure the surgeons didn’t operate on your brain to make you lose your memory?

I wish. I don’t know any scary songs :confused:

I’m assuming this is her idea of revenge. I can always boot up in Grammar Nazi Trollin8r mode :smirk:

you know… between loyality and this - friendship related things imo are diverse…to realize this while I feel soooo diffrent, HURTS
so I have to distance… cause hurt I got enough :sad:

You’re screaming murder over a harmless joke that simply required you to pay attention to this very thread :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure it’s because of your extremely high tolerance level.

puhhhh, what a male-slidarity…
lol edit must be a freudian mistake, meant solidarity, thought silly… so silidarity was born…
lol I am… or must be a maniac… :joy:

nice nice… but me taking my time on my ride…
guess the lyrics…?
crossing over threadsa c;P
and just btw… I am on… and you guys? hibernating

wtf?you ever considered how I feel when you are teaming against me?
Ajoke reached it s end if one says: no longer funny to me
AFriend would respect !!! and stopp his action, you know my veryyoung friend on these experiences: trust is a gift,every punch breakes a bit of it -the moya aware… the mo it is hurting, and one thing I make a swear for: IAM AWARE… and every “justdon t be a poopie” post of ya will make
#this scar deeper

(choosing the hysterical way to make it feelable evenfor a stone or machine at last)