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No one’s on now…

We gave up apparently. I was there almost all day. Tomorrow?

I just came home and checked to see if anyone was still on. Yeap, tomorrow :slight_smile:

for the not bored ones: we started…:stuck_out_tongue:

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6 of us are on atm.

nad back



I’ve been having some issues with my computer…that’s why I haven’t been on plug

access denied :persevere:

What does it say?

Post a print screen.

thx :blush: you both

Everyone is dying to know.

Oh yes, as for the ghost that day:

######Le fantôme, c’est moi. :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought it might have been lol

I’m on right now…

Somebody tag me if you’re on. Got a free evening now.

really? ok in a few mins I like to join

It glitChes again thx gents and Good Night! :cyclone:

Was nice to see you. Good night.

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