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And she learnt from me :stuck_out_tongue: But I don’t think you get points for just being there alone. You have to be with somebody at some point to start earning. I tried grinding solo and got nothing, then one of you guys came on and I started getting points.

Nah, you earn points even if you’re alone. I think you just earn them faster when someone else is on as well and there’s some interaction going.

I was alone for over and hour yesterday and not a single point came through. Maybe it just bugs out on me.

I don’t know… I always got points when I was alone. There’s definitely a limit though.

The limit is around 300 from what I can tell and from what I’ve managed to dig up online.

same procedure as everydays, Miss Sophie…lol l-a-s online [you wanna get the sense? vote on my poll and you´ll see…uhhhhhhhh, how mystic :eye:


join in rebellions and get points without cheating, lol

I’m 320 points away from L9. That’s about a day of grinding.

LOL, and I’m only like 500 in level 8 :stuck_out_tongue: I’m too bored to come on lately.

Me and @nefermiw are on now

Just hit L9 :slight_smile:

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I was hooked up to the TV for a large portion of this morning. lol

I just found a good metal room that seems to be busy and has some seriously high level people there.

are you there now?

Yeah. They play pretty much only heavy metal. Idk how they’d react to Muse or something else, they’re nice people though.

nice people really, :sunflower:

we are in two, sb bored ? join us…:relieved:

third post in line, I am on
@the_termin8r ok

I was on in both rooms and everyone was AFK in both cases. Even the bot in the other room wasn’t registering commands.

it is soo heavy right now in the other room

let’s share at homebase :stuck_out_tongue:

I might come onlate tonight if I’m better and/or not bored.