Next line in the LP song

I’m telling you that
I see it right through you

I called it, didn’t I? :rofl:

Now you got me caught in the act

(You’re too fast guys!)


Now you got me caught in the act
You bring the thought back

I’m telling you that

(How many times lol?? :laughing: )

I see it right through you

Seven (totally)

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Now you got me caught in the act

You bring the thought back

I’m telling you that

I see it right through you

Now you got me caught in the act
You bring the thought back

I’m telling you that

I see it right thtough you!

Now you got me caught in the act

You bring the thought back

I’m telling you that

I see it right through you

In the memory you’ll find me

Eyes burning up!

The darkness holding me tightly

Until the sun rises up

(let’s give the last “sun rises up” to @lpfan61 that wanted to write it)

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