Meet & Greet Offenbach

I’m so sad. Just too late to sign up for the m&g right?
Somebody knows if there is still a chance for s m&g in Offenbach?

Yes, too late unfortunatly. :frowning:

Seriously, sleeping without knowing? :see_no_evil: I couldn’t even sleep well last night even though I knew that there wasn’t gonna be any mail til this evening… xD


To be honest, I don’t sleep yet :smiley:
I’m in bed with my laptop, reading a book and getting nervous everytime I see one of you typing


Hahaha. <3

Me too haha. Please don’t stop writing comments here xD

It’s 22…

It’s Lorenzos fault if I’m tired at work tomorrow :slight_smile:


Checking every social media, every 5 minutes to search for news ugh

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Hmm maybe I’ll ask Lorenzo on Twitter or Instagram about the mails😅


Done. I guess he wont answer anyway xd


no contest is already closed

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sorry i meant 20

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No news either for you David ?

no :sweat_smile::persevere:

Let us know what he said :sweat_smile:

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Yes please keep us informed. It’s bad not to know if there’s still a slight chance to win…

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Still waiting and checking mails :incoming_envelope:

sigh still nothing…

I’m getting really tired now. Guess I’ll have to check my phone every other hour, same like last night. :crazy_face: :see_no_evil:

I’m also getting tired now… So either I’ll go to bed now or I’ll stay awake and have a lot of coffee tomorrow to avoid falling asleep at school xd

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