LPU chat with Mike info

They should do another chat with just those who got locked out!!! Just saying, it is not fair!!!

I took the day off for this!!!
Really pissed right now!!!

If tinychat can’t handle that many people, Maybe LPU should consider changing to something that Can!!!

its 4am in Indonesia, i wake up for this precious moment, and this happen -____-

@Geisi that would be cool but won’t happen cause Mike is propably the most busiest guy in the band…

I took the day off for this!!!
Really pissed right now!!!

If tinychat can’t handle that many people, Maybe LPU should consider changing to something that Can!!![/quote]
yes! they should change the chat service! at least, make a 2nd room

Mike said they try to get Living Things out on vinyl, talked about Games of Thrones and Fort Minor.

If you like I try to keep you up, but it’s difficult since I’m not native english speaker und the chat sometimes stopps…

Ive also just come online and althou i can access fb and other sites i am having problems with connecting to chat …

Yeah I know… but Im sure he would do even if only for 30 minutes, Im sure he could find the time for Us!!!

[quote=Chibi]Mike said they try to get Living Things out on vinyl, talked about Games of Thrones and Fort Minor.

If you like I try to keep you up, but it’s difficult since I’m not native english speaker und the chat sometimes stopps…[/quote]
its starting?!

I took the day off for this!!!
Really pissed right now!!!

If tinychat can’t handle that many people, Maybe LPU should consider changing to something that Can!!![/quote]
yes! they should change the chat service! at least, make a 2nd room

its starting?!

Yes, it’s on for 18 minutes

this is suck -___-

You’re not really missing anything besides Mike’s monologue. And another proof that their fanbase is composed mostly of people who would fit nicely into a short bus.

Mike says, LP is writing new stuff actually.

Yeah, I got locked out at 3:59…(12:59 PT)
Just when I t was about to start, after waiting for about 2 hours.
Really Pissed of right now!!!

Hope Adam, or someother moderator sees this thread and do something about it!!!

ok i cant anymore…
i give up :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Hi guys, I just got back from work, but when i hear you getting kicked off, im not so upset that it wouldnt have changed anything if i would have got the day off…
So frustrating!

[quote=Chemist999]You’re not really missing anything besides Mike’s monologue. And another proof that their fanbase is composed mainly of people who would fit nicely into a short bus.

I was in there from when Adam was, and it’s just chucked me out. Now, however many times I try, I can’t get back in!

I could barely understand anything he was saying anywayn due to lag, so I suppose I’m not missing out on much anyway… :frowning:

[quote=Geisi]Yeah, I got locked out at 3:59…(12:59 PT)
Just when I t was about to start, after waiting for about 2 hours.
Really Pissed of right now!!!

Hope Adam, or someother moderator sees this thread and do something about it!!![/quote]
i’ve mention Adam on twitter