LP vs. LP


Homecoming v Pale


What I’ve Done vs What We Don’t Know


Divided v Slip


Resurrection vs Never Let Me Down

Dear Santa,

I was brave the whole year thrue, and my biggest wish for christmas (including my birthday present this year comming soon) is, that

Please Mr @DJ_Nerd42 I wish a mash up min. 3 min, from

Thank you Santa…
Thank you @DJ_Nerd42

Haha but in the other thread u said presents are from christ.


[quote=“The_early_walker, post:643, topic:3361”]
Please Mr @DJ_Nerd42 I wish a mash up min. 3 min, from PART OF ME vs A LINE IN THE SAND

Thank you Santa…Thank you @DJ_Nerd42[/quote]Thanks for thinking of me. For a second there, I thought you meant “Part of Me” by Katy Perry. Ewwwwww… gross.

But it turns out that “Part of Me” is by Linkin Park from way back on the Hybrid Theory EP. It’s not a horrible idea, but I have to let you in on a little ‘secret’:

One can’t just mashup up any two songs, even if they have the same relative chord structure. Mashups usually require having the vocals and instruments on separate tracks. As in, one track for drums, one track for guitars, one track for bass, one track for keys, one track for Mr. Hahn and a separate track for the vocals. Without this, or something like it, the possibilities for doing a mashup are very limited. Good news for the pairing you’ve suggested is that we’ve got the Hunting Party vocals and instrumentals, but the bad news is we’ve got nothing for “Part of Me” so this probably can’t happen. And I say “we’ve” because I have for years been an expert on which Linkin Park songs have separated tracks available to mashup artists and have even personally been the original source for first posting some of the Linkin Park separated tracks we do have on the Internet, so if we did have such a thing I’d know of it.

But I’m not done doing mashups. After my current “Linkin Things” project is fully released, I am finishing up a project with the post-hardcore band Thrice that should start coming out soon. I’m also working on an album of Daft Punk mashups and am doing some mashups involving the indie chiptune rock band I Fight Dragons. Also been thinking of revisiting the nerdcore hip hop scene at some point. (first visit was White Materia) So I’ve got several fun projects lined up to work on.

Anyway it’s always nice to hear from a fan :slight_smile:

@DJ_Nerd, thank you a lot for the explanation and taking the time, to answer. What impresed me most is, that you answerd and mb not yet but anytime, when less busy, you would´ve sign, in your words, you can imagine that they fit. MB I ask Mr. Shinopda one day at a m&g if it wouldn´t be poss to put me in on the secret mastermix. how can I imagine your work?

or even bigger?
Are you a couple of ppl or are you working alone?
So thankyou a lot for all your nice words @DJ_Nerd42
(and pl remember me always as one of your FIRST Fans, free entry and VIP Service lifetime granted?!

lol haha, nice times cya arround…

Am I more than one person? Well, the voices in my head tell me that I should file them as dependents but I don’t think the IRS would let me get away with that.

Since DJ Nerd42 is a phenomenon entirely revolving around the manipulation of pre-recorded music originally created by third parties, creating the mashups does not involve the use of a physical mixer board. Those are more useful for live concerts and for making new original recordings. It’s just me, and a laptop, and some software, and a crap ton of research on the Internet to find all the tracks to mix with, and hardly anybody even hearing the results after.

Oh, and magical mystical musical ninja skills that transcend space and time of course.

(later edit) If I was going to add a physical device to my setup, it would probably be a digital scrub board, which is a futuristic device that does not exist yet due to manufacturing costs being too high. Still, the custom built analog scrub board proves the soundness of the concept. This guy is a genius:

That guy seems to be real genious, he had build the whole machine on his own as it looks? Looksreally funny, and how does he gets the words on that black line of the boards? Orr is the action (voice in th black thing in his hand? Or is it the contact of both? And where did he records the voices on? These ones saying “ahh” “how sexy” and the rest of he words? And does a scrabboard kid excists as they wrote after the vid? lol I´m comming nearer to a very interesting theme! When do you disover it as your passion?

Never Let Me Down

Point Of Authority vs. Pts.Of.Athrty

Points Of Authority

Animals vs Chance of Rain

Chance of Rain

Grudgematch vs Chance of Rain

OT: @Derek I saw you:

Chance Of Rain

Debris or What We Don’t Know

What we Don’t Know

QWERTY or High Voltage?


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Final Masquerade

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darker than blood
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