Lp high

Why is this thread so difficult to comprehend? :joy:


Thatā€™s the only question weā€™ve been asking since 1st posr :sweat_smile::joy::joy: this is 62nd now! Do you wanna reach 100 with suspense or wanna close the thread till suspense? :stuck_out_tongue:



Dudeā€¦ okay. Itā€™s for fun but what do i have to do in this thread?

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Thatā€™s my question and nobody says! :joy:

Exactly! Nobody answers! Post no. 66 now!

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@intheend should answer that. For what I know, you have to join a fraternity.


Did you know the scientific term for a group of male chumps is a fraternity?

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ā€¦we are not boysā€¦we are all girls

Well peanut if you read the first post! You will know!! Pick a school to go to. Thatā€™s the first thing. The city is the forums, different schools for fun.

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My pick, MHS. Writing is my thing.

Iā€™m enrolling in hths I like the uniform though @intheend whatā€™s up bunny

I am good at writing songs so I guess I would be MHS too

@StephLP18 I think you would be better off at mtm


Okay I will go there donā€™t see that one

update! 6 different schools/colleges:

Hybrid Theory style
Meteora style
Reanimation style
Living Things style
Minutes to Midnight style
A Thousand Suns(freshman/sophomore)/One more Light (jr/senior)

rhs = J. Hahn schooling: Tech & Design- best known for its animation and computer designs

mhs = MKS school for Arts- best known for its arts: writing, theater

hths = Bradford school of music- best known for its band and choir

mtmhs = Robert Bourdon High School for- best known for its arts and music program

ats/oml = Phoenix Academy for- architecture & science

lths = The CB Academic: uniform academic for very very smart people.

I will be updating the outfits and stuff around the forum city

@framos1792 check again


Hahn academy :sunglasses:

Noooooooo Hahn academy is private :sunglasses:

Ok, Iā€™m in Rob art school :sunglasses: