Linkin Park collectors V2.0

finally 100 item (except t-shirt and gadgets)

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hey dudes how did youz managed to get 541 posts without appearing on my screen??? :footprints:

Any new items people? Don’t let this thread die :joy: Incoming Faint UK black CD-R promo


new arrivals not on LPcatalog:

another compilation of tasty SNAX: Screaming GIANT Pizza Comp.

reanimation vinyl, different info on the back, different catalog numer on the left (9362-48326-1 instead of 9 48326-1) and on the vinyl (9362-48326-1 instead of 1-48326) (not USA version, maybe DE or UK?)

ATS vinyl, case “Printed in USA” but vinyls “Manufactured in the Netherlands”, on the left “A Thousands Suns” instead of “A Thousand Suns”

That’s EU reanimation with a misprint on the sleeve. And the ATS vinyl isn’t new to Your collection, You just want to get some attention but no one here will reply to the fact that them vinyls are from NL :stuck_out_tongue:
That could be a EU/NL version but we have nothing to compare to, what other thing would You like to hear from us? We post most of the scans as soon as possible but if we’re not sure about any item we just wait (it can be week, month or a year) As soon as someone actually sends out his ATS record scans or photos we’ll know for sure. Too bad our copies are sealed so we can’t really check what’s inside.

ahahahah, yeah it’s true, is not new in my collection :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

for the Tasty Snax’s compilation and Reanimation do you need some scan to put them on lpcatalog?

I see, we´ve really expertised Experts here, good to know I love so much, that everybody find it´s link, help or answers at the lpu

new item

Collison Course Vinyl EU

HT 2001:

USA or UK?

and 2 stikers and a 12" Linkin Park turntable mat:

I like that turntable mat. I probably wouldn’t use it for its intended purpose if I ever got one, but it’s still cool

very rare thse days, you must be very fortuned :confetti_ball:

thanks :smile:

finally LPU9 vinyl…someone has the original frame for sale?

Fort Minor - Welcome Vinyl

and Fort Minor - Welcome Deluxe Vinyl

Time to bump this. Maybe the collection topics should just all be merged, I didn’t even know which to use. Anyways…


I got the vinyls I ordered from the Linkin Park store earlier today (yesterday now, I guess). Road to Revolution was explicit, as I had hoped, the Welcome sleeve I got was pretty awesome, and The Hunting Party alternate cover is really cool, as well. The Hunting Party release as a whole is very nicely made.

Welcome Vinyl Placement


Something I’ve never really though about is that Road to Revolution was actually the first Linkin Park CD I bought. I had been given used copies of Hybrid Theory, Meteora, and Minutes to Midnight that were barely playable, but I bought Road to Revolution myself. I ended up losing the DVD for it, which conveniently enough, the vinyl comes with, so my CD version is now complete again!

I’m tempted to post a picture (or several) of my entire collection if I find the time. I don’t really have anything rare, but I feel like I have a lot of stuff at this point


Awesome Jordan! Yeah merging the topics would be fair.

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Please add Your jackets to :slight_smile:


I already have! It’s currently waiting approval. It was an interesting search to find where it fit in


Here is my music/video collection to start off with. I couldn’t seem to find my Fort Minor Militia DVD or Frat Party at the Pankake Festival DVD, but this should be everything else. I didn’t include duplicates (I have like 6 or 7 copies of Hybrid Theory)


I should break all my stuff out and try to fit it in one picture.


Probably one of the best Welcome Jackets for sure. Also, Japanese release of Out Of Ashes <3

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Do it Derek! I had to stand up on a chair to fit all mine in :joy: