Latinamerican Users!

Se nota que sos nuevo, si hablamos solo en español nos retan por dejarlos tirados.
If we only speak in Spanish the others members consider us rude.

Ahi hablamos sobre el Maximus

Como dijo @brianlp nuestro Fansclub puede adoptarte

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i have my lupe (?

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sorry lupe brian is my new best friend on lpu, he was welcoming :grinning:
jaja jk
and also, youre late to the lyric guessing party on the other thread =P
we concluded that we hear “drive…crazy…heavy everything was so heavy (o algo asi ya no me acuerdo) …the future…”

fue todo lo que le pudimos oir :sweat_smile:

Wtf! Jajaja de donde sacaron todo eso? Jajaja
Yes I’m late, today I tried to leave my cellphone a little bit

we ran it through a filter that went into a decoder which then ran through a blender and finished it off in the oven at 365* F

jajaja jk a couple of us were being lame blasting it as loud as possible like 1000 times :yum:

its in your hand right now tisk tisk

Jajajajaja too much work for me … but looks easier than wait, more than 10 days is a lot of time

its not work when you enjoy what you do =]
more than 10 days :cry:

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Algo asi solo me pondría más manija (if I do that will only makes my tension higher)

por eso escucha el clip
es como una cancion de cuna por eso nos la dieron asi jeje

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No quiero volverme loca OK! Jajaja

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yo pense que ya habiamos pasado ese punto :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ill keep you in the loop in the meantime then :blush:

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I had tried to leave posting here but is so difficult… I want to know all the time what is doing the band :sweat:

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y yo creia que era porque mis platicas eran tannnn emocionantes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
really though, I’m amazed how much people find other places like some of the posts and pictures and stuff, its fun seeing what others find

Come here best friend :laughing:

woohoo! :airplane_arriving:

pssst…lupe…if I go missing in argentina, chefequefea afa brifiafan!

Ok @framos1792 … In that case for everything talk with @brianlp
I will go to @marchettlq arms

I only understand “fea” jajaja

esta en codigo geez
chequea a briannnnnn
cada vocal lleva “f” :expressionless:

estaba confiando en ti mi seguridad :unamused:

Wow what a temperament inhere! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Great guYs :joy: