Last letter game

Y!!! Always me… :joy:

Youth (good morning @theearlywalker and @NickGr ! And Hello everybody! :rofl: )


Hello ( Miss Italy :it:, good morning, nice to meet you online :grin:, how were/are your days? )


Outside ( :blush: :rofl: nice to meet you too! :hugs: my days still quiet… I have still some free time till next week… :laughing: )

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enjoyment ( oh how nice :grinning:, my work started already on monday- and I must confess it’s kinda nice to be back there- but it just takes too much lifetime- this work- since Monday it’s like a permanent rushing- but now it’s weekend - already today and the sun shines- so- I feel happy :sunny:)

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Together (Yesterday was rainy… today the sun shines here too! The same sun is above us… :blush: :sun_with_face: )

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right (sending a smile towards the sun- got it? )


Tender ( awwww :sun_with_face: :sun_with_face: :sun_with_face: :blush: )

roots ( :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:- the sun is our uniter … btw, did the solar flares Sam @samuel_the_leader told me about, are knocking out your internet too these days?)

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Sunshine! ( sam knows everything! I know he’s a wizard… :mage: he see everything with this :crystal_ball: … btw… I have some problems, less net service… but it’s like this since a fire on a mountain in my area… about 15 days ago… today seems it’s better… )

EDIT: maybe it wasn’t for the fire… I don’t know… I’ll ask @samuel_the_leader

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Evolution ( lol, however, I got massive connection probs the last days- so I am catching up with more than 100 threads lol-

but this promises a lot of fun today- but :slightly_frowning_face:for now I have to leave… cya hopefully later my friend @lpfan61 :sunny: Under the same sun :grin:)


November (wow! How many posts! :laughing: see you later! :hugs: :hugs: )

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Yup I posted this that day.


Thanks for sharing again! :crystal_ball: :crystal_ball: :crystal_ball: :grin:

Stop with your crystal ball nonsense. :stuck_out_tongue:

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But it’s true that you know everything! :rofl:

Rain (hello everyone :slight_smile: )

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Nice (hello @mishelka3 ! :rofl: )

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Really? Is it raining in your area? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yesterday was raining… today it’s sunny again… but the weather forecast says it’s going to change in the afternoon… :sun_behind_rain_cloud: