Last letter game

1:30am (in the middle oft the Night for Sure! )

No, I mean after the 1:30am. Was there a 5:00am as well?

Yes why?

Um, why what?

This 5 am question ? When do you woke up?

Should I tell you something sinister? The previous time there was one mysterious scratch on my left arm, now there are two mysterious scratches on my right arm: :fearful:

Looks like a kitten came along for a scratch in the Night! Or have you got needles in bed ( I didn’t do Voodoo btw hahaha but it is real strange)

Neither, no cat nor needles :scream:

God bless :pray:

Methinks you the witch? :stuck_out_tongue:

Why witch me ? It isn’t me … The witch …

Aunt Funny says otherwise :stuck_out_tongue: (Still remember that time when I had to babysit a little kid, the father of that kid always says: Remember, if someone complains why the room smells of fart, it’s that someone who did it)

So since you can mention about voodoo if that is what might’ve caused it, hence :thinking:

You give me more mystic power than I Ever reach (btw you checked ya Email recently? )

Other mails but the one I gave you.

Ok … So what was the Last word we have To continue on topic? Let’s go ahead



Enmity :stuck_out_tongue:

yellowfish :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Heman :muscle: