Last letter game vol IV

Dreams (@Lilyope trying to get rid of me :cry::roll_eyes::pleading_face: not sleepy :crazy_face:
Good morning @theearlywalker! :blush: Iā€™m excited for you both! Ah, remember to take group photos this time! We missed our chance at the bowl :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


Serious ( Nooo but itā€™s late there ! And i see what youā€™re doing right here :joy:)

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Silliness (:speak_no_evil: you see me, I see you :innocent::joy: I know not what it is you speak of, I am an innocent little bat :bat::blush: and itā€™s not late here :thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow: itā€™s 10am already :astonished:)

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See (you at Rock en Seine if itā€™s 10am for you too! You will be on the photos too thatā€™s great! :joy::hugs:)

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Ehhh (:flushed: I did not get a ticket :flushed: Iā€™m going to be on top of a tree watching with the binoculars you will let me borrow :grin:, but I will definitely take the pictures for the group :innocent::hugs::yum::joy:)

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Hahaha ( you guys :joy: and yes Frammy- will do :wink:)

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:grin::joy: Iā€™m glad :blush: you knowā€¦those opportunities sometimes just pass us by and then youā€™re left wishing you had taken it :thinking:
I thiiiink @Lilyope is not going to like this post of yours for some reason :stuck_out_tongue:


Abilities ( ohhh :open_mouth: why not? And yep- itā€™s a pity we missed it- how couldnā€™t we even think about it?? Weirdā€¦ :crazy_face:)

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:sweat_smile: it is at the end of course :zipper_mouth_face: :stuck_out_tongue: I actually realized it as soon as I posted :see_no_evil: Haha but thanks to the edit button, it now seems like youuuuu didnā€™t see it :innocent: haha
And she might not like it because now she will insist on being the picture taker :joy::sweat_smile:
You and I were totally protecting our privacy :smirk: haha


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Ahh - slowly I get into the higher grounds :joy: and I HAVE AN EDIT BUTTON TOO :joy::joy:


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Edit masters :sunglasses::sweat_smile: wellā€¦I better be off before someone hits my head with a bat :face_with_head_bandage::crazy_face:
Have a good day @theearlywalker! :hugs:


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Safe ( :joy: Who would do that?! :astonished:)


Egg (oh I donā€™t know :roll_eyes: someone with very good knowledge in wall building maybe :yum: if the wall doesnā€™t crack Humpty Dumptyā€™s egg shell then the bat surely will :joy:)

Good (night dear @framos1792 sweet dreams :innocent:)

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Guilty (I donā€™t mind leaving a y :stuck_out_tongue:)

