Last Letter game vol II

I get the feeling this will be very personal and maybe shouldn’t be a guessing game :confused: lost family? Foster family? :confused:

No, its not that at all. I thought for sure that LP line would give it away. How about one more recent, i don’t wanna know the end all I want is a place to start.


Young ( looool :joy::joy::joy:- it’s not obviously at all Charles and it’s much less mysterious and heavy as you guys think: we both had a kind of personal encounter with god and became strong belivers due to it. Feeling both leaded, safe and supposed to only share love in life. So maybe you find that weird, it’s ok :joy:, I feel blessed, safe and on my way, and I am happy about it.

Means not that I go to church every sunday, but I read the bible a lot and „the golden rule“ is leading my actions in my personal piece of life :heart:)

Oh and :unicorn: and :lollipop:, oh yeah, oh yeah :confetti_ball:



OOOOOH!!! :man_facepalming: it’s not weird at all :slight_smile: whatever I believe may be different or the same but whatever gives us peace within and helps us be better people is the right path no matter who says what :slight_smile:

Damn…I was way dark lol my bad :ghost:


Everything ( ok- and this darkness is what life teaches us mostly … no wonder you think so- but to be aware of it is the first step of the change :smiley: :sunny: :yellow_heart:- and now have a good night guys on the other side of the world- starting my day now :shower:, later! :blush:)


Genious ( sooooooo philosophical :joy: good morning my soldiers :partly_sunny::partly_sunny::sun_behind_rain_cloud::sun_behind_rain_cloud:)


System ( good morning afternoon night soldiers how is everyone)

Morning :grin: ( btw… @Mel_4 @NoireXJasper how are you guys??)

Generally ( how are you @Lpfan61)

1 Like

Yacht (heey! :hugs: fine, thanks! You?another day of school? :muscle: )

Treatment ( yeah can you just make it Friday because I really hate my school for many reasons )

Together (only another year and a few months to go @turners34)

Respect ( how are you and yes only 2 months left and then one more year)

Traumatic (post)




