Keeping up with the memes

Oh shit…not you…

@lp40c …is that the pink flower girl from lpu7?

Yeah that’s her…she scares me…

Ummm…the position of dory speaking to herself has already been filled by @agusdbianco :upside_down_face:


Ummm…the position of getting their neck snapped has already been filled by the neck snapper of neck snappers neck snappers…

_(snaps @framos1792 @jfart aka @jFar920 necks)

I believe you’re referring to the position of annoyingly hyper violent bunnies :upside_down_face:
You always know when I need a sip al adjustment :grin:

Ps I’m on par with jfar in your book? :star_struck::smiley:

And ummmm you said the person that gets their neck snapped and then insinuated that it was you :rofl:

Jordy…I will bite you.