Help! 2 missing items on my LPU 15 package

I ordered my package 3 weeks before, but the guitar pick went missing and the discount codes ain’t working as well. Does anyone know what to do?

Take a better look in the box. The pick likes to get lost within the other stuff in there.
The discount codes don’t work for every item in the store. Maybe you used it for something that’s not elegible for the code.

Also make sure you are using the codes in the correct places. One works on the general Linkin Park store, one works on the LPU store

Please contact for support regarding the missing guitar pick and discount codes.

  • LPU HQ

I did, I teared the box apart and is still not found

I did try. Both are not working

I did. they didn’t reply me

Oh well, it’s just a pick, nothing fancy. But since you’re still having issues with the codes try contacting WU again. It may take them a while to reply, they’re not the best at customer support.

I agree with @evooba, but: it´s your turn, I tend to desperately bother every customer support as long, as I got what I want [ in cases where it isn´t possible, to get what I need, I give my anger to them at least], cause this

maybe you like to jump over, and show your rage??? @chung979 :yum:

I would suggest, you write them another message. WU should help you in this case. If they don’t reply to you within max. 3 days, let me know and I will help you further to deal with it.