Have you ever..?

Yes, but nothing huge.

HYE vandalised anything?

Kicked a photocopier at work in anger. My foot print was there for a long time (nobody knew what it was)

HYE had 2 issues with your car on one day? (or I’m the only one - last Wednesday - first someone hit my car. Then I found a flat tire after I went out of work.


Sorry :astonished: hopefully the someone will pay.

And yes, I work on sheep farms. I think I mentioned, that farm cars are more often trouble then not.

Have you ever installed a new (or inherited) whashing machine and flooded your bathroom? :sunglasses:

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No, never.

HYE written a haiku?

Probably at some point for English in school.

HYE performed in front of over 100 people?

No yet.

And you?

Yes. No pleasure at all. :see_no_evil:

HYE danced in a crowd?

No, I’d never do that.

HYE seen an eagle in real life?

Yes, but not in the wild.

HYE seen an exotic animal in the wild?

Sure. An eagle.

HYE got really scared being outside at night?

Never. I’m usually the one doing the scaring. :joy:

HYE been mugged?


HYE got something stolen?

I used to have a Tigger backpack that I got for Christmas in year 3. It had a small plush Tigger hanging from one of the zips. It went missing one day, no idea how. Saw it hanging on some bitch’s handbag when I was on the bus a couple of weeks later (she was in year 5 or 6 at the time). I sat down on the seat next to her and stealthily took it back :joy:. I didn’t put it on my bag again after that in case it got stolen again.

HYE borrowed something from a friend and then insisted you didn’t have it when they came asking for it, because you completely forgot that you borrowed it?

Of course jajaja.

HYE seen how the glass is made?

Savage! :joy:


HYE met any famous person in person?

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How is it savage when it was mine to begin with? Lol

Savage as in treating a one’s stolen stuff to be taken back again stealthily lol

Yes quite a lot!

HYE tried kangaroo??

Yes, it’s like a drier beef. Good in a caserole

Have you?