Have you ever..?

I haven’t worked since 2015…
But I seriously need a 500months long vacation

Have you ever read a book in a day?

Probably for a school assignment lol
I’ve come close I believe :thinking:
But then let’s say no lol

Hye run away from an angry animal

No, I live in a city

Have you ever owned a dog?

For a week
Taz :partying_face: a black lab

Hye volunteered anywhere


Have you ever binge watched on youtube?



Last week

Not on youtube. It was HBO.

HYE wanted to answer a question in this thread but had no idea what to ask of?

(What’s anomalia’s addition, by the way? @framos1792)


Yes and gone down the rabbit hole

:joy: the burnt out squad right here :joy:

Oops awaiting @anomalia’s addition :face_with_monocle:

It’s just this

The addition to your post that you had forgotten to add initially :crazy_face:

All the time lol and the longer you stay the harder it becomes to think of one quickly hehe

Hye felt like you’re being watched :face_with_monocle: (I turned off lights and started hearing stuff instantly :face_with_monocle:)

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No, I typically know when something like that is happening.

HYE said that something would happen ages in advance and when it happens, nobody acknowledges that you called it?

Just to cut it short, no lol, to lazy to think if there was any lol

Have you ever regifted something that you received as a gift?


Have you ever bought a gift that you’d rather keep for yourself?

I think so

Have you ever faked somebody else’s signature for your favor?

Yes - back at school

HYE eaten food that gone bad?

:joy: me too, and my dumbass buried it in the sandbox for the next day so my mum wouldn’t see it in my backpack-it rained that night :skull_and_crossbones:

:nauseated_face: yes… didn’t notice the bad stuff below on bread

Hye pulled an all nighter

Seriously? :crazy_face: who not :joy:

Hye had a hallucination?

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Every day ~thinking~ knowing in Batman cough cough

Hye consumed illicit substances :face_with_monocle: lol


HYE gotten frost bite?


Hye danced something choreographed

Against my will yes. For scholar activities…

HYE eaten a whole pizza you alone?

Yes, also currently in the process. :joy:


HYE eaten a hot dog in one go?

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