Sigh, I so have!
HYE felt beautiful?
Sigh, I so have!
HYE felt beautiful?
HYE felt badass?
Everytime my sarcasm comes out to play:grin:
Have you ever felt full of love?
Are you trying to kill me here? Of course not.
HYE hated something so much you literally could not be in the same room with it and had to leave?
You know my ex husband
Jk with the hate thing, not the leaving the room thing
HYE felt attracted to someone?
of course, im a regular human being with a delicate heart lol
HYE been in a situation where you wanna find some new place to start a new life?
This moment
Hye crashed asleep for more than 12 hours?
i have, it was the time where i was sick slept at 8pm and got up at 8am the next day, that makes it 12 hours right lol
HYE been in a revenge for someone but you never did it?
How so?
did i make some nonsense sentence there? lol my bad my broken english lol
No no, of course no worries
Can definitely understand working another language
Umm yeah I was unsure what you meant
Like if I ever felt vengeful toward someone? Planned revenge against someone? Lol
what other language you understand?
yeah, planned revenge against someone but you never really revenge… you kinda hold it in…
First language was spanish, moved here to the us and picked up English, in high school I did a bit of french and since then I’ve dabbled with polish and a couple other languages (certainly not enough for convos tho lol just enough to be a fool)
Ahhh hmmmm during a break up? oof moving on
Hye been fired from A job?
more then once. But never for my work
HYE felt a high ringing in your ear, after you just thought, no, I’m not stressed at all?
i am having those ringing now since 2 years ago, i have once go to the doctor, and she kinda pulled out something from my ear, but looks like it never really goes away…
HYE been in more than 5 countries?
Unfortunately no… Only here
Have you made any dream of your childhood come true?
not really, no…
Have you feel so bad at treating people the way they should not be deserved?
I feel bad for me… For not giving them what they deserve and they think that I am a softie
(sometimes being the mature and reasonable is not what eases the soul… Pettiness is not good in general, but sometimes is sooooooooooo satisfying… Just because I feel that you want to get revenge but you are holding back!!)
Have you ever felt that everything is wrong?
dang you got me there lol is it that obvious lol nah just feeling scrambled tho to this staying at home situation lol
yes of course, many times…
Have you ever gone too much that you ended up feeling pity for yourself?
I hate feeling pity… For anyone, even for myself…so no
Have you ever felt the need to be alone for some time? Completely alone!