Not intentionally.
HYE cracked a joke and got completely the wrong response?
Not intentionally.
HYE cracked a joke and got completely the wrong response?
Have you ever
HYE been roasted without even knowing it?
wouldnt us answering yes mean we knew about it
but yes i am positive at one point or another yes haha
hye roasted someone to tears?
I should have said, at the time of being roasted and then it either dawned on you later or someone told you.
It used to be a hobby or sorts in highschool. But seriously, more than a couple of times
HYE been roasted to tears?
What exactly means roasted?
To essentially fire a true insult at someone as a joke.
Lots of times
HYE apologised to someone for being a jerk?
Ahhh… more times I can remember…
HYE killed a creeper with a x-bow?
I’d love nothing more than to run over child predators with a KTM, but I don’t have a driving license. So, no.
HYE answered a question in a way someone didn’t expect you to?
Lmao, he was making a Minecraft reference.
I’m not 12, I’ve never played Minecraft.
As far as I’m concerned:
Creeper = Child predator
X-bow =
The irony going on in the last few posts is palpable
My obvious joke and indirect acknowledgement in the same post seemingly flew over @chigokurosaki’s head, but I don’t see the irony in my last post. I obviously knew the question wasn’t asking about mass murder, but I didn’t know it was Minecraft specifically.
My bad for not specify, but in my defense I thought there was no need since Minecraft is very popular, even people who doesn’t play has an idea about it (what it is, the characters, etc.)
The irony was referring to your initial post and chigo’s response. They gave me a good chuckle
HYE copy in a test?
Copy, no. Cheat, yes.
HYE been called out for cheating when you legitimately didn’t?
HYE shouted at a teacher just because?
Just because, no. Shouted and swore at, yes, in front of the whole class.
HYE physically attacked a teacher?