Guess the movie

You mean the man in black? :smirk:


:nerd_face: Yeah, another obvious one. lol Sorry.

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Hehehe giving me a chance so thank you :relieved::joy:

Is giving a gif against rules? :confused:
Just kinda really like it :joy:


Something with Adam Sandler I’m guessing.



Right, after a browse of Schneider’s filmography and some cross referencing, my guess is The Waterboy.


Good job :joy: at least took you a little bit :upside_down_face:


What the…??? :joy::joy::joy:

Any movie with a box in a plane? :card_file_box::airplane::joy::+1:

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Uh I was about to say it!

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It looks like bomb lol, bet that’s the one of sci fi movies

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It’s a sort of sci-fi film.

not gonna lie, I cheated to find out the movie :joy:
but it actually sounds mad dope, I might have to check it out
@the_termin8r def sounds like something you would like
especially this line from Wikipedia:
“is of note for its extremely low budget, experimental plot structure, philosophical implications, and complex technical dialogue, which the director, a college graduate with a degree in mathematics and a former engineer, chose not to simplify for the sake of the audience.” :joy:

Yeah, whole film was made by an engineer acting as a character who is an engineer and for next to nothing in terms of budget. The timeline of the film is a brain-frier. It takes multiple re-watches to get it fully.

You might as well go next as nobody else would have guessed it.


Robo Cop? I haven’t even seen that film. :joy:

No… Think older

Older? I’m not great with films that pre-date me. 2001? Again, that’s a film I haven’t seen.

It’s the debut movie of a very important director…