German LPUers

Haha, that´s perfect xD

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Hi rebexxn, me too!

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keep cool and just relax. you’ll get these informations really soon per e-mail, LPU, Facebook, fan-sites, twitter, instagram etc.

If I’m one of the first persons, who will notice these information, I’ll post it here :slight_smile:


HakManLP, do you (or anybody else) know how it works to apply for the meet and greet? I pushed the “Enter” button and expected any confirmation. But there was nothing like that. How can I see that I am participating in the contest? :thinking:

The button will change to „M&G entered“. You’ll only get a confirmation mail when were actually selected to attend the M&G. For what show did you sign up?

you’re in, when you can read below the m&g contest from the city of your choice ‘lpu m&g entered’

@tascha9 and @HakManLP thank you so much! Now I can see “M&G entered” for the show in Munich :grinning: What´s about you?

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you’re welcome. I’m in for Berlin and Hamburg. Maybe Ludwigsburg coming soon

I am in Hamburg too. Fingers crossed that we all win a M&G :slight_smile:

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I entered the Meet & Greet for Oberhausen :slight_smile:

Ich bin auch aus Deutschland, komme aus Flensburg. Ich wünsche allen viel Glück für die Meet & Greets und viel Spaß auf Mikes Konzerten. :slight_smile:


Hi ich komme aus Ahrweiler in der Nähe von Bonn und bin neu hier.


welcome johann, I´m from nuremberg in bavaria and it feels a bit weird to talk english to other germans, but this is a rule here. It is a good opportunity to practice your english :sweat_smile:


Welcome @johann55
I’m also from Germany.
Here is a great place to be! :hugs:

hi there, I’m from ‘Kasseler Landkreis’ :metal:t2:

Hi, I’m not from Germany but I speak German as I am from Switzerland. Here are really only a few LP fans. And I don’t know if there are any LPU members from here. So if there is one from Switzerland who reads this, please contact me. Would be interesting to know. Did you find some near you? I hope so! Wish you all the best, isa :kissing_heart:

Welcome @johann55 - Munich here - although I just moved 8 kilometers farer away from the bavarian capital … Have a good time here on our crazy, lovely and funny platform :tada::tada:

@anna834 didn’t know you’re from Germany too- where from?

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Right up from the other end.
Lübeck, on the Baltic Sea.
:wave: to the south :kissing_heart:

@anna834 Haha, I‘m from Lübeck too! I never thought to find some people from Lübeck here :smiley:

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What? Oh my gosh! Really? Just great! :joy:

There it goes my anonymity! :kissing_heart:

Big hug for you @meretlp :hugs::heart: