Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

Yes, but the rest of your body is directly surrounded by air and that heat can escape into the air. When’s the last time you were sweating through your clothes all over your body at a normal room tempt whilst being completely idle?

Ohhh NOT too Long ago at Hospital: I woke up in a kInda sweat-water bed… Bähhjjjj

I go for Last One though

I don’t mean a one off time in a bed. I mean pretty much on a daily basis whilst on your laptop or while having dinner. The answer is pretty much never unless you have a legit clinical sweating problem.

Yeah, it was 25.

Gottcha ! :smiley:

forgot about this…

  • finished work for today…
  • my concept is ready…
  • my prosecco is real refreshing


Is it… #2?

yes, it is almnost done, but quality costs time…

you go @gatsie :stuck_out_tongue:

1 I bought a new battery for my phone
2 I dyed my hair again
3 I am eating a Popsicle

Popsicle - lie?

no it is not :slight_smile:

hope it was good then…what taste?

It’s a traditional Dutch rocket Popsicle with the flavors: Raspberry, Orange and Pinapple, dipped in wine :slight_smile:

Yes I’m sure you wanna dip anything and everything into your prosecco :stuck_out_tongue:

never realy tried but good idea…I try and tell you how it was…buäch…my finger was much too dirghty…haha,today ,dunnow why…no possibility to stay serious, ähhhhm mchmch, nothing…just lmao

You’ll like it, it’s very sweet and tasty :stuck_out_tongue:


the funniest imo: as I ask for the taste, I was considering to ask, if it wine ice… haha hug you my near…:hugging:

Apparently there’s also a Rocket cocktail with the same flavors as the popsicle

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this - I want to slurp this out in one…Cheers! :slight_smile:

go for the second me