Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

Isn’t one horsepower equal to the power of one horse?

I remember reading somewhere that 1 horse has 2 horsepower or something but it’d make sense for one horse to have 1 bhp

EDIT: A quick search actually shows that one horse actually produces 14.9 bhp

how much is a human causing? Samuel, you go…

Yup, I’m just playing along with them, actually it simply remains in the stable where people help take care of it, but if you want to transfer it out they can’t question your decision.

thats it…


Time for another stupid question. Is it a Ferrari or Porsche? :stuck_out_tongue:

italian, but no stallion, so sry



I thought you bought her a horse not a raging bull.


(Ok a confusing one here:)

  1. A few days ago, I overheard someone calling a female colleague a “pédo-ueur” (how it was pronounced) because of the way she treats (shh… I’m revealing too much here)

  2. A few weeks ago my father wanted to have a ''rapse" (how he pronounced it - un wraps what he meant) He ended up having a cordon bleu instead.

[quote=“samuel_the_leader, post:1139, topic:12725”]
I forgot about Stagelight until now when I install it in my Windows 10 laptop, and unfortunately the sound doesn’t work at all. [/quote]
3. I am proud to say, Stagelight audio is working 100% fine now. :stuck_out_tongue:

The second?

No, its true.

The first?

No, haha really confused y’all this time. Unfortunately @EvoOba the stagelight drums still don’t work properly.
Yup I tag @EvoOba

@samuel_the_leader That sucks. Maybe you can use it in a different device?

  • I’m home alone.
  • I didn’t sleep well last night.
  • I may or may not be going somewhere for a few days next week.


No, that’s true.

The second?

Yeap, I had a great sleep. You’re up!

  1. On the videos end up buffering for a bit at the very least, so before it reaches the end of the song my side, it goes to the next song already.

  2. There are even video ads on the videos in that I have to skip :frowning:

  3. A few hours ago, I took a nap.