Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)


Yes, if somebody had actually punched my tooth out I would have shoved their head up their own arse.

And ppl call me violent…

  1. The only fight I’ve ever gotten in was at a daycare with a boy.
  2. I lost the fight.
  3. He did something mean to my brother.

The 2nd one?

The third?

It was the second one. Go @EvoOba!!!


  • Only acceptable pink thing in my life is bed sheets (with the qualifications that a) won’t be plain pink and b) won’t be in the shade of barbie pink)
  • My room is painted and has furniture, rugs and curtains in dark colors.
  • My closet is small.

The third?

FIRST post mu…

You are correct!

-I once tired to punch myself in the Adam’s apple to see whether it would choke me.
-I once dropped my laptop on my Adam’s apple.
-I once got shot by my sister with a relatively high powered dart gun at near point blank…in the Adam’s apple.

The 1st one?

Yeah, lol. I’m stupid but not that stupid :stuck_out_tongue:

  • My laptop’s color is black.
  • My phone is black.
  • My e-guitar is black.

The second?

Nope :stuck_out_tongue: I even mentioned it in this thread the other day.

I must have missed that post. Ok, then it’s 3.

Yeap, it’s a weird green-blue color, not black.

I enjoy torturing insects
I find trolling cats funny
I like dogs

You really love dogs, yes you do :stuck_out_tongue: