Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

A sounds like a real big lie, man.

Lol nah I actually have :joy:

Wait! What?! :flushed: Tell! :star_struck:

No biggie lol
Was for work
Kinda like those extreme makeover shows
We started and finished a yard in 48 hours

We did one that was a competition against a neighbor yard and then there was another one where it was just showing the project
Turf wars was one and Yard Crashers was the other :crazy_face:
I know I appear in the turf wars one, never saw the yard crashes one lol

There’s pics of one of the yards



Yessir you win

  • I’m bad at math
  • I’m bad at programming
  • I’m bad at writing assignments / reports

A. I’m sure of that.

But he also complained about B and when I remember correctly C too.
So there were two exaggerations, or one point is even worse in comparison.

I’d say the last part is correct. But he had said before he is not as good at Math as we think.

I originally thought about C. But he has working the last months in a project where he had to write a lot, and he did it (I read that somewhere, just a part tbh) also there is a myth that says that engineers are real bad to write reports.

So if I fail with my answer you already know which one is the correct.

Y’all really using logic and deduction and reduction and pemdas to solve this(?) :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


He is really good writer, what ever he says. :woman_shrugging:
And he also said that about programming.
But I don’t say something :zipper_mouth_face:

I just try to not solve it :joy:


Nope, I’m pretty bad at math :joy:. My best math exam score in uni didn’t even manage to scrape a pass until I had to resit it. My worst was so apocalyptically bad I don’t even want to talk about it. LMAO

Compared to your average person, I’m ok. In the circles I run in, I’m rock bottom. LOL

Nope. I’m pretty much ace when it comes to writing reports. I’m consistently a B or higher. I’ve had a few Cs in the past 4 years, but even a couple of those were because I couldn’t even be bothered to finish the assignemnts. I was fine taking a grade hit so that I don’t have to deal with the software we had to use.

A and B are both true (I failed 1st year programming in uni) and C is false.

Well, tough luck, you’re going next anyway. :joy:



  1. I like to drink water

  2. I like to drink juice

  3. I like to drink beer

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The number two???

Yes, you got me, again :joy:

Your turn

:tada: yeey :tada:


Here I go:

  1. I work at 2.5 km from my house.
  2. I work in a magazine as editor.
  3. I’ve had 5 turtles in all my life.

Liar on the turtles! They live to be over 150! Crush told me so!
Unless :thinking: you’ve had turtle stew haven’t you?! :face_with_monocle:

Sorry, man. You failed.

I had 2 when I was in elementary school. They die. When I finished it, I had other two. One die one year later and the other one is Tutu (she has lived with me for 10 years or so) and the last one called Andres. Now if we do the math, the answer is 5.

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