Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

-I have a car
-There’s one specific bolt on my chair that keeps unscrewing over time because it doesn’t have a washer.
-I’m somewhat of a misanthrope

This must be the lie, since you’re only 17.

(Don’t tell me I’m victimized again)

Like hell you are. As far as I know you can drive here at 17. I don’t have a licence though.

(Alright then. This is getting harder each time…)

My family once accidentally stumbled (at night) into a construction site in the middle of a forest. We were so afraid of being found out as trespassing, but we realized that not a single construction worker was still there, even though their tents were still pitched.

My fat aunt likes to eat at eat-all-you-can-eat buffets. No wonder she is so fat. :laughing:

I was once hit in the left side of my stomach by the edge of a truck container as the truck was making a sharp turn. The truck driver stopped and was so worried he even offered to take me to the hospital, but I was rushing for time so I declined the offer.

The third?

Wrong. between the driver part of the truck and the container chasis behind was a huge rotating hinge. (Not sure how to explain)

So this is how it happened:

(This was like a decade ago so not too sure of the details)

The 2nd one?

Wrong. It’s actually the first one, which had nothing to do with my family, just my friends and I. (Double standard lie again :laughing:)

So @acemasters, I tag you to be the next victimized. :laughing:

Ok lets see

  1. My first Linkin Park concert was 22nd Nov 2003
  2. Last time I saw Linkin Park live was 12th June 2011
  3. I have never won a meet and greet

Third? Third? Third?
Bird is the Word!!!

You are correct @amitrish

  1. My favorite genre (broadly) of music are as follows: Rock, Metal & Pop.
  2. I have never listened to a complete song from Ariana Grande.
  3. I think Miley Cyrus is a good singer.

@samuel_the_leader this should be easy! :stuck_out_tongue:

last one? i really hope so

Awwww… keep aside all the twerking and the other marketing/media stuff… I really do think she has immense talent. Example:

I would have guessed the 3rd one as well but I’m gonna go with 2 now.

Haha. OK, to clarify, I never compare an artist’s personal life with the songs they perform. Therefore, for me, Miley is still a talent.
While I have heard AG, and originally thought it was a font name (:stuck_out_tongue:) I think she is good too, but I have never ever listened to a full song performed by her.
So, @evooba you are next!

  • I’m going out in 20min (yes, I know I said above that it was cancelled).
  • I’m having my last dessert till my birthday.
  • The weather’s still hot.

The second

I need to know the date. Data insufficient for analysis.

That’s what I was thinking but the other two seem more true.