Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

what up Rob? does the rain stopped?
come on to the music sharing plattform

@The_early_walker, do I? You need to tag me.

hi @everybody btw
#are you listening music already guys?

So do I go next for the lie to me?


  1. A few days ago, it was 26°C at 7.30 pm
  1. Yup, in an 18°C air-conditioned room, me and my father were still sweating since it was still so damn hot.
  2. It is very sunny right now.


I’d say the 2nd one too.

Both are you are wrong.

The first one then?

No, still wrong. (1. & 2. not on the same day)

I tag @acemasters.


  1. I don’t own a playstation 4
  2. I don’t own a xbox one
  3. I don’t own a WiiU

The second?

Not the second one
I don’t actually have a xbox not a massive fan of xbox to be honest lmao


I’d say the first.

I don’t own a PS4 although it’s on the cards

I own a WiiU and a PS3 and a Gamecube so the third is a lie

I nominate @Susannchen

But @The_early_walker chose third:

no matter, lol no lies from me…:sunglasses:

Didn’t see that one

My bad
Go on @The_early_walker