Five words that could change ur life

I´m out of ideas…

@lpuhq closed our messaging place…

[yes,] but does it really matter

edit @samuel_the_leader we can post on forumsand pm, I ´ve still sent you a pm at least…lol :joy::sunglasses:

Or you can exchange numbers [duh]

just done long time ago…lol :stuck_out_tongue: @intheend, you never know about it, hi @samuel_the_leader :sunglasses:


You won the Oscar again

The Black Mamba is out.

Everything is happy everyone relaxed

@intheend still hasn’t spammed me

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MTV still airs viral diarrhea.

and the natural flood will link me on toilett latest tom morn
##lol guys
let´s party due to a crazy getting world

everybody in?

We’ve no time for anything…

let us get it started…

That turtle is surprisingly fast

There was only one chance.

Aliens exist in the universe

Meme exists in the universe

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This is not the end.

you spin my head round