Five words that could change ur life

You are an incompetent idiot.

LP coming to our houses

hahaha that would change lives

[quote=Katrina]LP coming to our houses

hahaha that would change lives[/quote]

that was a good one

Individual photo took with LP!

tommorow beer dubstep night sweat

Bacon changed my life forever

[quote=Jay_Sensei]Bacon changed my life forever

linkin park comes to you

Beware of Meme sheā€™s dangerous [biggrin]

me wouldnt hurt a fly :3

linkin park released new song

me wouldnt hurt a fly :3

yeah right i believe you

iā€™m going to meet linkin park?!

You broke up your promisesā€¦


-dafuq is wrong with you
-mom, dad, I am gay
-I donā€™t know, I swear!
-Iā€™m going to kill you

I freakin love you, man! (thats a quote, that acutally changed my life)

shoots wolle two hundred times

Jump or not to jump?

[quote=purrfect]Jump or not to jump?

really -.- poopie fart muffin eater