Continue the story

Go ahead it’s your thread, you decide who’s next.

Part 4


“What I’ve become?” Elena asked herself. “I must change something and I must change it RIGHT NOW!”

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This is going slow. It’s the last part of the story, come on @the_termin8r give it a horrible death.

Part 5

Suddenly, she started bleeding uncontrollably from every orifice in her head. Her lifeless cadaver dropped to the floor with a hollow thud as it lay in a pool of her own blood and grey matter.

I’ll be honest, I haven’t really been following this thread. :joy:

Final story

She woke up in her own sweat. The horrible nightmares still hounding in her head. Proof that the situation got more on her nervs, that she actually wanted to be true. Why should I feel a victim of my own mind when I am the same one who has the control? - Said Elena to herself before she realized who was in from of her.

The reflection in the mirror startled Elena causing her to stagger backwards in disbelief. She no longer recognised herself. “What I’ve become?” Elena asked herself. “I must change something and I must change it RIGHT NOW!” Suddenly, she started bleeding uncontrollably from every orifice in her head. Her lifeless cadaver dropped to the floor with a hollow thud as it lay in a pool of her own blood and grey matter.


:joy: :rofl: love your ending


So she died, nice.

@anna834 maybe it should be continue the story and then tag someone to carry it on? Maybe also limit to 1 or 2 sentences max? :thinking:


I keep telling you people, I’m a tool for you to use. Don’t get triggered when you don’t know how to use me. I was comissioned to murder a fictional charcter, I did my job. :rofl:


I’d like to hire you. I hate killing off my characters. I once started a story where the lead dies within the first few minutes. Terrible.


I started the last one. So you go. Tag who ever you want. :kissing_heart:

Hired, delivered, perfect! :relaxed:

Why does this one look like someone having a severe allergic reaction to something? Where their face has swelled up so much that their eyes are gone.

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:laughing: my reaction :rofl:


Once upon a time there lived a Linkin Park fan who stumbled upon a portal into another world…

@anna834 I’m tagging you to continue the story!

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Story Part 2

It was a world with only pop music to listen. He felt devastated.

@HakManLP please continue

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I think we should not turn this not in a tragedy or in an ‘horror’ story :joy:


Story Part 3

He hit the ground with his fist, shed a tear…BOOOM a kind of powerful veil surrounded him! Suddenly he held an electric guitar in his hand, around him were three of his friends with microphone, drums, electric bass and keyboard, and a voice shouted to them: "Play and invent good music at last!

Part 4

Concerned with how his friends appeared around him and where the voice came from the man dropped the guitar and ran, tears continuing to pour from his eyes. He did not care where he ended up, just as long as he put as much distance behind him as possible.

part 5

He ran too far and he came to a place where there was a long empty road… it was night dark in moonlight and the shops on the edge of the road all were closed .there was no other light other than moonlight , everything in sight was dark. He recalled the stagelight from where he came and got annoyed. He held his head Between hands and screamed aaahhhhhh!

(Rhymes intended :stuck_out_tongue:)


Early this morning, Alvaro saw the light of the sun though the window. Then…

Part 2

…he remembered that he was a vampire and turned to ash.

Fitting ending :joy:


How did turn this from my music idea into this… :joy: :joy: :joy: