Chat Room (TLPTV2)

Nah, i don’t think either one of us would be on this planet if we weren’t together

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You are not here, I had to play low :confused: It’s your fault, man. You abandoned me :frowning:

We keep each other grounded

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No no no nnnnnnoooooo I’m not a believer in thooooose breaks :persevere::confounded:
I meant a quick drive to the lake or idk…just even for a quick drive :blush:
I meant getting away from the daily crap and spending a bit of time together to idk…reset…y’all are there together…take advantage :relaxed:

You really have the guts to say this after your immature Baka self ruined his phone and abandoned me for weeks?!
(Insert angry red Dino with fire flames coming out of mouth) :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Ahhh yes, but in my defense I’m the biggest asshole you will meet in you life :sweat_smile:

use the bat, I deserve it :confused:

Ooohhhh, gotcha, lol. :joy: We’ll have to see what the weather is like but sounds good. :grin:

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:expressionless: I’m not gonna inflict pain on a damn masochist :face_with_raised_eyebrow::joy:

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I hate you LOL

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Lol yeeeeah :partying_face:
:thinking: bad weather :thinking:

I’d still say a drive in the country with good music :thinking: go home and cook something difficult you have to do together, then eff it up and end up having to eat ramen, then build a fort like little kids and watch a Star Wars Marathon together :thinking:
Sounds like a plan :thinking: haha

Oh wait the crappy cook, little kid building a fort, and Star Wars nerd is me :nerd_face::crazy_face:

And I know you pendejo lol

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Jajajaja my dear brother, you are the best Soldier I’ve ever met in my life. Thanks for being as you are!!! :hugs:

Hubby is a child when it comes to food. :roll_eyes:
Star Wars, yea, alright.

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: what the hell did I do? :neutral_face:
Don’t write checks I can’t cash :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

:joy::joy::joy: that’s why you make him do it :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol fine, the notebook

I’m just messing around

Don’t be so humble! (humilde) you are such a great man, bro. Sometimes you reminds me Chester and his amazing great good heart :smile:


That’s funny!!! And I was serious about SW. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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To much oregano :flushed:

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I respect history. Incredibly fascinated by it actually. I just respect innovation just as much :man_shrugging:

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Nani? I’m being serious :upside_down_face:

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