Chat Room (TLPTV2)



A double, wasn’t planned :thinking:

You told me my nostalgia was irrelevant :triumph:

can the food think(?)

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No, I said your raviolis were irrelevant, but I’m kidding with that. Remember it, I’m a dork :crazy_face:

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Now you’re doubting the raviolis intelligence? :rage:

Yes :upside_down_face:

Wow. Well you know what?

Your sixth grade miss


I fear your ravioli are just some substitute


Nah. They always start. Never come off the bench :triumph:

There’s drunk people singing outside my door

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The ravioli :open_mouth:

I get confused :dizzy_face:

Yeah, it is. I have no problem with that.


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What do you mean by sixth grade miss?

I believe so :sleepy:

My teacher of sixth grade (last one from elementary school)

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