Chat Room (TLPTV2)

without the obsidian how can you travel to the nether

Dont get that?

you see our friend manuel here chooses to create his nether portals using lava and water source blocks

Heā€™s just an idiot :expressionless: I know you get that :joy:

he is afraid of mining the obsidian

he is afraid of levels 12-17 where the diamonds reside


he knows thatā€™s where the zombies, skeletons, and spiders reside :flushed:

I really donā€™t get you!
Love you anyway


I saw framos type and then dissappear

hes waiting for 6999 to post

that coward


Scurred? Lol

Im not fast enough.
Let fath deside

Or mybe i just hit it

Worst part isā€¦you failed again :joy:
I win :rofl:

1 Like

Did it! Awesome

Poor kid is probably being hit with flashbacks to the last post thread version 1 :rofl: