Chat Room (TLPTV2)

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: stop making fun of us! :unamused:
Youuuuuuu lil black bat with no place to live! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Nah those kids are easy as well, they are the ones that I showed LP and MS and they enjoyed it!


Wasnā€™t it youuuuu who was living in my cave?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: muahahahaha :bat:

Oooh! Them! The good kids :roll_eyes: didnā€™t I say something to those the other day? :thinking::joy: I forgot :grimacing: I have to keep up my infiltation of their good mannered little minds so they become little troublemakers muahahaha


:unamused: itā€™s temporaryā€¦ plus Iā€™m in good company! (Not yours!) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Who was that again? :thinking: alfred? :joy::joy:

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Iā€™m not a lobsteeeer :scream::scream::scream:


@Honey8 is in the cave with me, plus @Lilyope , @alz89 , @AJ_7 , @StephLP18 , @anna834 can come visit us anytime :grin: :blush: (just to tag some :crazy_face: )


Iā€™m here!
But come out of your cave.
The big oak tree Iā€™m sitting under is way better!
Oh, and hey @Lilyope havenā€™t said good morning to you! Big hug :hugs:


Thanks! And hey!
I was just to tired (week :joy: ) yesterday.

I have kids. Tend them :laughing:
They are nearly grown now. So my life is changing.

I have no sheep. I take over farms when the owner is in vacation. So I travel a lot, see lots of different places. Love it. Love to have the farm just for me. And also love that I can go after.

Now you :smiley:

Do you just design stuff and overview the construction. Or do you also lay hand on things, build stuff?

Now you can say you have a shepherding sis :grin:
You all know probably more of sheep by now then every other non sheep interested person! :crazy_face:

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LOL that should be must have in every purse rn :joy:

Heā€™s just f this up lol


Good morning @anna834 :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

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That sounds cool. Getting to travel like that to visit different countrysides would be awesome! :grin:

We are a small firm and in just an intern so I just do the computer drawings (floorplans and structural plans), but my boss heads out to the different construction sites of our projects and facilitates the process, making sure they are moving along correctly and at a good pace.

Lol. I can flex on my non-sheep-knowledge-knowing friends :smiling_imp: :muscle: :joy:

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Lol. That man is clearly a newbie :joy: hasnā€™t been taught the ways of the street yet :rofl:


Prob how @framos1792 east his ice cream :rofl:


LMAO :joy:


:unamused: yo know what?.. you know what?!
It was bad timing when they filmed me :unamused: I HAPPENED to be daydreaming while I had my ice cream cone in my hand at that moment :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Sometimes I just donā€™t get you, boys.

Think about it:
Which of the two ice cream eating types will get AND keep the girl?


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Am I the only guy who doesnā€™t think of food as being sexy, or of it in any sexual way?

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Agreed :roll_eyes:

Ja. Ja.
But it also donā€™t need to look like as if you just hunted it down.