I don’t know him
I’m not him
your secret is safe with us
I’m Deadpool, the guy who annoys everyone and does whatever he pleases.
(Then again, I guess Batman is the same )
I can be any of them, I annoy my sister and the rest of you with the most random things in the least expect moment I only would need a stupid disguise
It’s not just you
Gatsie? She can kick our butt out whenever she wants
Don’t forget intheend
Right question is: are you at her level?
Right answer: you would like…but… NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Trying to bother me with those bad jokes, sis? you need to learn some need tricks mama will mad at you when I tell it to her
shut uuuuup when I’m talking to youuuuuu!
Ohh granny is mad at me that’s how you should bother me also one last thing, blame the
I meant she’s up there with Gatsie at being random.
What granny?! To you is “sister”!!
cookies are better…
Meh, it’s the same in the end
A new senseless debat? Ok. Cookies are overrated
onion brain