Chat Room (TLPTV2)

Okay but I need you guys more then sleep

Calm down Cebolla! Heā€™s being nice!

:cry::anguished: awwww crapā€¦you not a pendejo then :pensive::smiley::innocent:
Batman sorry! :grin:

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I know. I know. Iā€™m just kidding


We are not going anywhere. We always be here :slight_smile: ok? :hugs: stay all the time you need and want!

I just saw that! Batman will whack himself with the bat on his own for that! :upside_down_face::face_with_head_bandage:


@StephLP18 will do for you. Donā€™t worry :wink:

But Batman is a pendejo jk

I want to stay but my eyes and body say otherwise

You might be a vampire, Iā€™m just an idiot with a phone and wifi for spamming here jajaja

Lol, no bat tonight, its fine. :upside_down_face:

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If I canā€™t I now where to come biw

Donā€™t force yourself. If youā€™re tired try to sleep.

Donā€™t force it and go to sleep, your body will thank you later giving you the chance to stay up till later :slight_smile:

Now bad phone

Ok. No :cricket_bat_and_ball: tonight :slight_smile:

I will at 300

What happened?

Take this and sleep well :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Ok. I can do it myself :wink: jk, I need the other guys too.