Can you touch your shoulders?

A: to friends, the honest one. work-wise, politically correct.

Q: How many email id’s do you have?

@the_termin8r1 I guess you missed the smiley in the end. Also, since I know that you have not been to an office kind of place, I forgive your immaturity in this matter :stuck_out_tongue:
Do note the smiley in here.

I wasn’t sure what to make of it. Intonation doesn’t come through in text.

You means the bit about the last min thing being more exciting or the part where I want things the blunt way?

The part where you say things should be said bluntly. i used to think the same, but alas! the world is a different place outside our heads.

Trust me I mean that, I really don’t care how brutal the truth is. If I’m saying something to somebody else then I might dumb it down a bit but when people speak to me I want them to be clear in what they’re saying so that I know exactly what’s going on.

For example, if I’ve made a big mistake in my work in college I don’t want the teacher to say something along the lines of “yeah, there was a slight mistake here, and here and here, you should probably change it”. I’d rather have them say something like “What is this? This is totally wrong, go and re do it”. Or if a friend or relative was badly injured and in hospital or died, I would honestly rather here “your friend/relative is dead”. I don’t want to listen to 5 mins of BS before hand.

#A: I only have three now…not sure, I only use two.

#Q: do you like Florence + the machine?

If you can, keep the above text written with you. One day, you will understand what I meant. I accept the fact that honesty is good, and giving unnecessary applauses or sugar coating stuff is not ok and approves mediocrity, sometimes however hard you may try, avoiding it is the best way.
Anyways, let’s kill it here as, i guess, we will continue to disagree on this topic. Let’s get the forum topic going.

A: No

Q: What are you going to do tomorrow after school/work? :slight_smile:

#(gasps) your don’t like Florence D;

#A: wait until night time

#Q: name four good bands from the late 90s early 00s.

A: I don’t plan that far ahead. 2 reasons: 1) Keeps things just shy of boring 2) Every time I make any sort of plans, there’s something to screw said plans up.

Q: Do your friends act strange around you?

#A: it’s the other way around.

#Q: squirrels or dinosaurs?

I’m going to assume that ‘early’ end around 03. I’m also going to assume that LP don’t count


#i’ve only heard of disturbed and skillet… Not those other two…

Blindspott are a small band from NZ who now go by Blacklistt and TFK are Thousand Foot Krutch (maybe you’ve heard of them by their full name). Blindspott / Blacklistt are my second fav band along with red.

There isn’t a full album of End the Silence anywhere on YT but the poster of this vid has the rest of the songs. Also, ^these 2 vids^ run into each other or rather the second is the end to the first.

From TFK I’d recommend anything after and including Phenomenon (the album not the song).

#Oh Thousand Foot Krutch! I love absolute! :3

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A: Squirrels

Q: Pj pants or sweats?

A: pants are over-rated. If i have to choose one, i would go with PJ.

Q: packaged/bottled or tap water?

A: Bottled and fizzy!!

Q: What scares you the most?

When sleeping I sleep in my underwear but for home clothes I usually wear shorts or a track suit of the shorts are in the wash.

Saltwater crocodiles

Q: One thing that you were never/are not afraid of that most people were/are?

#A: paranormal stuff, the supernatural and haunting facts and stories.

#Q: what do you want for Christmas?