Can you touch your shoulders?

why not? I prefer turning on full headlamps (at least when there’re no other cars in front of me). Feels brighter and safer.
Do you like the darkness?

Yes, I like it!

Can you drive without licence, @NickGr ?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ahem… actually i can’t, but i look much older than i am, so they haven’t stopped me yet, lol
Do people confuse your age?

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:scream: :scream: :scream: :flushed:

Yes…people always say I look younger than my age… :crazy_face:

Can you play an instrument?

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Actually i try to learn the guitar… i’m at the very beginning of it

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Cool! Me can’t play anything… :see_no_evil:

Have you ever done something dangerous/crazy?


Like what lol? A few times I’ve eaten plants at school, a dozen of times doing something crazy at the lessons

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Next question friend? :grin:

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Is “like what lol ?” counted? No? Oh my…
What’s your favorite cartoon series?

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A: Adventure Time,Family Guy, American Dad & South Park

Q: Do you prefer waxing, shaving or tweezing?

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Shaving. Totally. Seems that now I have to do it more than once a week (most of my classmates shave 1-2 times a month, I can’t afford that)
Razor or trimmer?

I have a record of 3-5 sec. One cup

Yep!!! and hate slow walker here in my area. All are sloth bears… -_-

Was and am. Since weeks. Lol

Oh wow. Great. Good luck with the start

Question passes. ( I dunno )

This lol. Especially when in the metro guys stand reallly close to the train and then decide not to enter and KEEP STANDING in the MIDDLE of the entrance.

It takes me 20 seconds to drink a liter, not a cup :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Lol, you obviously don’t have a beard… I hope
So what’s the question?


Oh yeah. Then we have almost same speed :sunglasses::sunglasses:

You can dream anything. So something you would like to dream about…


Is NOT to dream I was missing
You can eat anything without getting fat. What would you eat?

Dunno. Um ok still. I would love to have pasta.

How about you?

Probably meat. Roasted meat. Beefsteaks, kebabs, pork…
How loud do you usually sneeze ?

Very loud. And its like many a times if i start sneezing I won’t stop till hours. Mom gets fed up of that. + My sneezing starts anytime. Like sneezing in summers… lol

How many glasses of water you have everyday?

i bet no louder than me.When i sneeze in the classroom , guys usually jump lol

Never counted, but ab 3l in total

3 -3,5 l

What is the most annoying thing that happened to you today?