Can you touch your shoulders?

No 1 or none!

The most creative gift you gave to somebody?

Dreamcatcher (I made it… so difficult… :sweat_smile:)


A crocheted mandala

What’s your favourite chat app?

A: WhatsApp

Q: Is there a shop in your area that has a bizarre name?

Yep “theobroma”

Near you any? (Glad to see everyone playing now. :slight_smile: )

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A: We have these Dutch stores called Zeeman. Pronounced in English it’s just kind of odd…

Q: Ready for work?

A: Absolutely not.

Q: Any plans for the weekend?

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We might go to the movies…

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A: Uncles 60th birthday tomorrow (its a secret. he hates surprises - for his 50th he took a flight to Paris just to avoid any party)

Q: What was the last movie you watched in the cinema?

work, work, work, :cry: . unfortunately no creations possible this weekend… damn that’s bad

Assassin’s Creed

Question ?)

No, humanity became outdated and made me.


You’re not a spinner :stuck_out_tongue:

Forgot to reply earlier. At the moment I haven’t got anything in the works. The design I posted the other day is a long way away from being physically built. As for existing and previous projects I don’t have anything other than my RC projects. That other Lego one from before has been dismantled for ages now because I needed the pieces.


Really?? :flushed: :scream: what a pity… it was so well done… :confused: anyway you have a real talent for these things…

I promise it wasn’t :joy: . The new one is far more ambitious and even more likely to fail.


You sure?maybe you’re underestimate yourself… :confused: if I had a cars factory you’ll be the first engineer… :grin: :crazy_face: :money_mouth_face:

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I’m sure. The problem with using the software is that it only gives you a picture and nothing else. No indication on how it will perform in real life (other than if it looks a bit iffy). As I was building it I saw that I probably didn’t make it rigid enough.

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See?! You’re really an engineer… you see the problems and fix them… :grin: Hired! :money_mouth_face:

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Fixing will come when I eventually build it.

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