Can you touch your shoulders?

A: Just this morning.

Q: Same old, what are your plans for the weekend question.

I’m going to see the german football game tomorrow with my best friend and I have to pack some things for vacation on monday

Q: You have to fight against aliens with the item to your right. What is the item? :smile:

My laptop mouse, that’s the only thing on the right of my desk, though just past my desk there is a rock big enough to fit nicely onto your hand.

Q: You have to survive a zombie apocalypse with nothing but the contents of your bag/backpack/ handbag that you take to school/work/ wherever. How long do you reckon you could survive? (be honest).

Maybe one week. A women carrys everything in her bag (especially me :joy: )

What was the last movie you’ve watched?

We were soldiers

Last thing you drank?

Coke Zero

What was your first ever mobile phone?

A really old Siemens that my parents gave me as a toy. But my first proper phone that was brand new and not a hand-me-down from a parent was an LG cookie

Otherwise I had a great Motorola KRZR K1 that my parents didn’t want to use for some reason. I didn’t use it much but it was a great phone to have because it just looked cool.

Have you ever cracked a phone screen?



Q: What are you pissed at right now?

A: More like a who… my dad.

Q: Would you ever get wasted on purpose? (random I know, I just had a conversation about this and wanted to ask :stuck_out_tongue: )

A: Yes, right now would be nice

Q: Life sucks sometimes, doesn’t it?

Yes, but at the moment life’s good

Q: How long did you slept last night?

Idk, but I usually get between 7 and 9 hours

Do you prefer a fat or flat pillow?

memory foam…flat

Can you spell your last name backwards?

A: Yes

Q: When was the last time you renovated/rearranged your room?

Like 5 years ago or something when I made space for my hifi. I also added a desk a year or so ago but that doesn’t count for me.

Q: If you went to uni, what course did you do?

Business Studies

How was your weekend?

Hot and annoying

A word you can’t pronounce to save your life in English?

I can’t say ‘cooler’ properly. I can say ‘cool’ just fine though. I also screw up ‘yacht’ at times.

A: As weird as it may seem, “genre”.

Q: Most practical public transport in your city?

A: None :unamused: Walking maybe?

Q: James Bond or Jason Bourne?

James Bond

How many languages do you speak?