A: Trying to stay up as late as possible because I can’t be bothered to go to sleep
Q: Your ideal breakfast?
Eggs and bacon
What is the best meat?
A: Lamb meat(?)
Q: Has it been raining all morning where you live? The rain started well before the sunrise.
its starts to rain now…
describe your personal style( clothing etc…)
Functional, no style, comfortable, usually made of cotton and usually involves summer clothes regardless of season. I end up looking like a tourist according to my friends.
This sort of thing:
Yes, that’s actually me. I deliberately posted a pic where I’m in a helmet
Q: Do you like taking photos? (As in being in them, not being the photographer)
A: No, I always look like sh*t.
Q: Don’t you hate when people take photos of you even if you don’t want them to simply because they “have to” and you “have to” be in them?
That’s the story of every single birthday in my house. My mum wants a million pics of everything.
A/Q: If you think that’s bad, how about being part of a group of people who like to take pictures during ANY occasion. Whether it be walking to a busstop or having coffee at someone’s house…?
A/Q: Can we please not discuss this? No, someone please answer me this: Girls, what’s up with all the selfies?
As for the guys,
A: for me, it doesn´t realy matters
Q did you missed this topic?
I take a lot of photos (food photos especially) but purely for memories. If I’m having a great time with friends, we usually take a couple but only for us, we don’t share them or anything. And we rarely check in on FB. Selfies and check ins are stupid.
I’m proud to say that I’ve only ever taken one selfie and it was only because a friend begged me on the last day of high school.
A: No, because I never left.
Q: Bringing the quizzes back:
Q: Have you got a stationary pot on your desk, if so, what’s in it (specifically, I don’t want ‘stationary’ as an answer)?
I’ve got 3 pens, 2 sharpies, a pair of lefty scissors, 2 paint brushes that I use as fiddle toys, a highlighter (which I’m praying won’t explode ), a crappy ruler that my sister gave me, 2 Allen keys, and a pair of wire clippers and an electrical testing screwdriver.
Q: What does your desk say about you? (Yes, as you’ve probs noticed, I’m out of Qs)
Ahh, I keep rulers, sharpies, highlighters etc in a drawer
A: My desk? That I’m probably organized. It’s clean and neat.
Q: Yours?