Brad delson - hot or not?

definitely look 3
he looks so handsome on that photo!! also on the other 2 but most on the 3rd haha in my opinion
i mean…
doesn’t he look gorgeous, with those cute glasses
brown eyes…

[quote=Paneska]haha! Sometimes it’s just so much hair. You must see this:

I didn’t do the pic, I found it on Internet many many years ago.
Look 3 is so fashion, I like it too.

Look 3 is my favorite u

Look 3!

He needs the facial hair! (Well, he’s pretty attractive without it, but he looks even better with it :p) So look 1 or 3 for me :slight_smile:

Look 1 and 3 because I HATE when Brad doesn’t have his hair and beard. He looks so much older when he’s shaved and shit…

I think he does have the most beautiful smile of them all, better than Mike’s. When he smiled at me at the M&G was the best thing ever.

/this thread is really random.

Look 1 for sure! [biggrin]

Brad without his hair and his beard isn’t Brad. I guess he’s the only white guy who looks damn awesome with this afro-thing [lol]

Look 3! :slight_smile:

look no 3… hahahaha sorry i dunno why if i see brad’s face, i always wanna laugh…[smile][mrgreen]

I like the fro times (no.1)