Battle of the Songs Semi-Finals 3

:sunglasses: I understand, thank you for expl. again, waiting for the finals

7% of 14 votes is 1 vote, mind it

:grinning: @samuel_the_leader

I see what you did thereā€¦ :wink:

Huh??? I donā€™t get you. Iā€™ve really no idea what Iā€™ve done here. If @acemasters changed his vote from High Voltage to Numb, Numb should have a 2 vote headstart, but someone mustā€™ve voted High Voltage next, hence Numb only has a headstart of one. If @acemasters didnā€™t change his vote, High Voltage wouldā€™ve won.

When I changed my vote the first time it was to HV fact
That screen shot you put up shows Numb winning

When Numb and HV was neck and neck my vote was on HV

To break the dead lock I changed my vote

Now shut the hell up about it

Numb won the round

Deal with it

Obviously cuz that was the after-the-fact screenshot (days after the poll has ended)

Wait, so on that day you changed your vote to Final Masquerade, not Numb?

that was hard, because these are 2 so different and special

@acemasters Now that I have seen that the voting is rigged, I support @samuel_the_leader. We are going to keep our mouth shut only if you buy us LPU15 subscriptions :stuck_out_tongue:


Bye then

So you would be against me changing my vote right now to force the win for P.O.A

Weā€™ll wait for the next person to vote for P.O.A

@gatsie would post sm unicorn poop
iĀ“ll post them instead

So @Gatsie is the missing voter. The question is, if she were to vote, which would she vote for. (The make or break vote)

mb but not online here, @acemasters theres now the finals with three songs or semi with three and final with one song? OSC - FAINT - NUMB?!

Someone needs get someone to vote and since i know no-one on here

for me the best descision is to let go 4 songs into the finalsā€¦ it doesnĀ“t really matter, elsewhere you have to set a time limit, you canĀ“t close up, if theres one more voter, relay it on time, till mb 24:00 tonight, and then, if 50/50 stands still, theyĀ“re both further

Poll will close tomorrow

In terms of letting both go through would be unfair to all the tie breaks that have happened
If the extra vote doesnt come before the poll closes I will once again change my vote which is currently on Numb to P.O.A, declaring it the final song to go into the finals

And lookout for details of the next B.O.T.S

The finals will be 2 days long

When would this poll close? P.O.A already won.